
Exhibition center of St. Petersburg’s division of Union of Russian Painters

Bolshaya Morskaya st., 38
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
12:00 – 19:00

Building #38 on Bolshaya Morskaya street has a rich history. Back in the times it was given as a present to the poet I. Elagin by Ekaterina the Great. Here he hosted concerts and theater performances presented by famous people. In the 19th century officials invaded the building and after the tsar Alexander released the building, it was given to the Society of Encouragement of Art. Society was awarding outstanding graduates with scholarships and taking part in formation of golden age of Russian painting. After the revolution of 1917 and up to present day the building belongs to Alliance of Russian Painters. This building hosted exhibitions of such famous people as N. Roerich, V. Serov, V. Vasnetsov. Nowadays the Alliance is keeping the traditions and organizing installations, exhibitions, concerts and artistic competitions. Exhibits are changed every 2 weeks.

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