
"The Universe of Water"

Shpalernaya Str. 56
Monday, Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
10:00 – 18:00
Entrance fee
adults -200 rubles, children from 5 years, schoolchildren and students - 100 rubles, Pensioners - 50 rubles.

The exhibitions are placed in the Water Tower and the building of the former reservoir of the Main Water Works.

The water tower, from which the history of centralized water supply began in St. Petersburg, was built in 1859-1861 according to the project of architects E.G. Shubersky and I.A. Merts.

In 2001-2002, the St. Petersburg Vodokanal carried out major repairs of this grand structure. Today there are three expositions in the museum complex:

"The World of Water of St. Petersburg" (historical exposition in the building of the Water Tower). Here is the history of aqueducts from different nations and the history of water supply in St. Petersburg. Among the exhibits are wells and wooden pipes, copper washbasins and ceramic handles, old drawings and photographs.

"Underground World of St. Petersburg" is a multimedia exhibition, a journey under the ground, repeating the way of water: from water intake through pipes to apartments - and back to the treatment facilities. Here is one of the largest mock-ups of the historic center of the city as well.

"The Universe of Water" is a multimedia exhibition in the premises of the former underground clean water reservoir of the Main Water Station.

The exposition "The World of Water of St. Petersburg" can be inspected as a part of the excursion group, and independently.

Expositions "Underground St. Petersburg" and "Universe of Water" can be visited only with excursions (for single visitors there are weekend excursions).

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга