Time N

Birzhevaya Line, 10 (Men'shikov side)
18:00 – 06:00
Entrance fee
Concerts from 700 rub

Vremya N is a new two-story concert club that owes its birth to a team of enthusiasts and a song by Boris Grebenshchikov. This is a modernly equipped venue for a variety of music and any kind of entertainment, from large concerts to private parties. Jazz, rock, heavy metal, fusion, ethnics, world hits and much more are played here.

The club was created within the Menshikov Garden space. It is located in the courtyard of a house on Birzhevaya line, 10, where in the 18th century was the estate of His Serene Highness Prince Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, an associate of Peter the Great. The famous Peter's assemblies were held in Menshikov's manor garden. The history of Menshikov's garden practically ended with the disgrace and exile of the prince. Over time, the sculptures and trees were partly transported to the Summer Garden, and the territory over time began to be built up, so that the remaining small space can be considered the successor to the grandiose old manor.

The name of the club refers to the hit of Boris Grebenshchikov. Here is what the creators of this place tell: “Our team was looking for something truly Petersburg, but not hackneyed, and what could be better than the song titles of practically the most important rock-Petersburger? A good friend, musician and resident of Vasilievsky Island - Sergei Efremenko from Markscheider Kunst, at the huge request of our team, made a phone call to the dear author and asked permission to name the club after his hit. “I allow it! Customs gives the go-ahead! ”Was the answer. This is how Time N was born. "

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