
VINOVNIKI Wine bar & kitchen

Vosstaniya st., 20
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
12:00 – 01:00
Friday, Saturday
12:00 – 03:00
Average bill
1300 rub

Wine bar by the holding ReCa. Quite a vast variety of wines from different regions is included in the bar card both by bottles and by glasses. Also there are several sorts od cider, liquors and whiskey, standard set of strong alcohol and classic cocktails. To accompany drinks there is a selection of starters, on the main menu dishes of European and pan-asian cuisine and interesting deserts.

Wine parties Wine Followers are regularly organized here. It is a new type of party – guests together with speakers – blogers, actors, opinion leaders – discuss latest trends: fashion, gastronomy, cars, trips. The process includes wine degustation, which is selected by sommelier for the topic.

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