Uppsala Circus and Uppsala Park

Sverdlovskaya emb., 44
Cultural spaces
11:00 – 20:00
Entrance fee
Circus: 300-400 rubles

The creators of Uppsala Circus call it "the only circus in the world for bullies." This is a social and cultural project, created in 2000 for "special" and "difficult" children and adolescents.

In fact, the performances in Uppsala-Circus are addressed to all children without exception. There is acrobatics and juggling with elements of street culture, parkour and breakdance. This is a world that is attractive to all and accessible to every child, regardless of his abilities and social status.

For many years Uppsala-Circus was a stray, but in 2012 he got a permanent circus tent, the first and only in Russia.

Uppsala Park is situated around the tent, combining the best qualities of the city environment and natural landscape, modern design and simple comfortable solutions for families to relax on a day off. Here every Saturday parents and children can spend time together, create and communicate.

There are no noisy entertainment, attractions and animators, but there are unusual art objects that are interesting to explore for adults and children, playgrounds for active recreation and creativity.

Several times a month in Uppsala Park major city events are held: holidays and fairs, concerts and festivals.

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