
Trety krug (Third circle)

Nekrasova st., 2
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
18:00 – 02:00
Friday, Saturday
18:00 – 04:00
Average bill
1000 rubles
+7 (921) 300 3336

The bar based on the “Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri opened at the end of 2018 at the corner of Nekrasova Street and Liteiny Prospect. In the third round of his "Hell" the author placed the gluttons. The interior of the institution with Dante's portraits on the walls and a reproduction of the “Garden of Earthly Delights” by the magnificent triptych by Hieronymus Bosch is in the Gothic style.

In the bar card you will find author cocktails, aperitifs, natural wines and spirits, which are served with light snacks (bruschetta, tapas, etc.). Wines are poured into glasses, they cost from 290 rubles up to 390 rubles. Approximately the same are the prices for snacks.

The bartenders of the place regularly conduct master classes and tastings.

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