
Thriple Bridge

Opened in
The Little-Stabled Bridge - 1832, The Theater Bridge - 1832
Malo-Konyushenny Bridge - Moika, Teatralny Bridge - can. Griboedova
Length, m
Little-Stabled Bridge - 43 meters, Theater Bridge - 23 meters
Width, m
Little-Stabled Bridge - 20 meters, Theater Bridge - 15.5 meters
Little-Stabled Bridge - Е.А. Adam, V. von Tretter, Theatrical Bridge - E.A. Adam, V. von Tretter

Malo-Konyushenny Bridge is a part of the unique pavement composition "Triple Bridge" in the Central District of St. Petersburg. It is located in confluence of the Griboyedov Canal and the Moyka River.

At the beginning of the ХVIIIth century prior to construction of permanent cast iron bridges, at this place, across the head of the Catherine Canal, a wooden drawbridge was built, which was named Malo-Konyushenny Bridge, after the Stables buildings located nearby. Next to this bridge on the continuation of the former Tsaritsynskaya Street (now Zapadny Proezd along the Field of Mars) a wooden lifting the 1st Konyushenny, subsequently Theatre Bridge, was there across the Moyka River, roughly on the site of the 2nd Sadovy bridge. At the end of the XVIII century, these bridges were rebuilt in 3-span wooden bridges on stone supports. These bridges are mainly made possible the movement between the King's Garden and the land on the left bank of the Moyka River.

In 1819 it was planned to rebuild the bridges into the cast iron ones under the project of engineer W.I. Haste. Cast iron tubing for the superstructures of the bridges were ordered on Olonetsky plant, but due to the tremendous work on the redevelopment of the area surrounding the Mikhailovsky Castle, bridge construction has been delayed, and cast iron tubing made were used for the construction of Bolshoy Konyushenny Bridge.

In 1829-1830 a new project was developed, under which two bridges located across two watercourses, merged into a single unusual architectural and planning composition, which provides a convenient connection between the Field of Mars and the Konyushennaya Square and normal traffic along the Griboyedov Canal embankment. This explains the common name of these bridges, representing the composition of the bridge 2 "three arch", "triple", "three-arch", "three bridges".

Superstructure of Malo-Konyushenny Bridge was collected from 8 arches by seven tubings in each one. Joints between cast-iron elements were filled with putty, which included sulfur, ammonia, and cast iron filings. There were massive, stone abutments and intermediate support on pile foundation, faced with granite. The span facades were decorated with relief superstructures, cast iron ornaments. There was a complex artistic casting railing. At the entrances to the bridge and at intermediate support high granite obelisks were installed, which due of the inconvenience of their service, were replaced by elegant beautiful lampposts - round lamps with bulges in the middle of the rods.

In 1936 after 106 years of exploitation, the bridge was first repaired: Insulation was replaced, the roadway was covered with kleinplasfer, sidewalks - with asphalt, and granite curb was installed.

In 1990-1997 under the project of Lengiproinzhproject a major repair of the bridge was carried out, which resulted in load-bearing structures reinforcement to withstand modern loads, diabase paving and all the architectural details were restored.

The original historical appearance of the bridge was preserved. The bridge is guarded by the Committee on State Control Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Landmarks.

Teatralny Bridge is rarely considered separately from the other bridge named Malo-Konyushenny Bridge which is not only very close to Teatralny Bridge but in fact they are a single entity although Teatralny Bridge crosses the Griboyedov Canal and Malo-Konyushenny Bridge – the Moyka River. These two bridges even have a common informal name - Triple Bridge.

Once the head of the canal faced towards the mouth of the Moyka River and there was a wooden bridge. On the continuation of the street running along the western boundary of the Field of Mars there was another wooden bridge. Both bridges were lifting ones. Teatralny Bridge derived its name from a wooden theatre which was located on the Field of Mars at the XVIII century and Malo-Konyushenny – from the Stables buildings located nearby.

In 1829-1830, under the project of engineers E.A. Adam and W. Von Treter, wooden bridges were rebuilt into single-span cast iron arched ones. The composition of the bridges spanning the Moyka River and the Griboyedov Canal by three spans with a centre support is unique; hence the former names of the bridges –Trehkolenny Bridge, Treharkovy Bridge, Triple Bridge.

It is noteworthy that there was a dispute about the design of structures between engineers. Adam offered to decorate Teatralny Bridge and Malo-Konyushenny Bridge in different ways, but Tretter insisted on a single design of two crossings. It is believed that the project of crossings design was prepared by Rossi himself in 1824.

Arched spans of the bridge consist of cast-iron boxes fastened together with bolts – prefabricated structures was typical for the time. The span facades were decorated with relief cast iron ornaments. Over the span structure simple brick back filling and the roadway pavement with cobblestone covering - Kleinfleister. The bridge has massive rock abutments on pile foundation, faced with granite. All three bridges had the same pattern of cast iron gratings consisting of darts against the backdrop of which jellyfish heads are interchanged.

The lamps installed there for the first time was so high that lamplighters fell from them several times. In this connection Governor General of St. Petersburg P.K. Essen requested the General Directorate of Railways to lower them. This request was approved and the lamps were lowered.

After 1917 many of the decorative elements of bridges were lost or partially damaged.

In 1936, during the major repair of crossings, the roadway was paved with diabase, sidewalks were asphalted and separated from each other by a high curb.

In 1952-1953, under the project of A.L. Rotach, stand lams, lanterns and railing gratings were restored.

After restoration works in 2001 vehicular traffic on Teatralny Bridge and Malo-Konyushenny Bridge were stopped. Their decking was paved with stone again. At this time the works were supervised by engineer and bridge builder B. Brudno.

Malo-Konyushenny Bridge and Teatralny Bridge are under state protection as a monuments of architecture of the first half of the XIX century. They are a popular place for newlyweds photographing. There is a tradition in St. Petersburg that the groom is obliged to take the bride in his arms and carry her over the Malo-Konyushenny Bridge.

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