
Andrey Petrov gardren

Kamennoostrovsky pr., 26-28
24 hours
Year of foundation

The garden between houses 26 and 28 on Kamennoostrovsky Avenue appeared in 2005 on the initiative of a group of Petersburg musicians, artists and writers of "Green Wave". On a vacant lot designated for construction, they began to plant trees. The city authorities did not dare to build up this site - so a new garden appeared on the Petrograd side.

The famous composer Andrei Petrov (1930–2006) planted a mountain ash here. After the composer's death, the square was named after him, and in May 2006 a decorative fence was set around the rowan in the form of a score by Andrei Petrov’s Blue Cities.

The ceremonial opening of the garden took place on September 2, 2008. It houses the sculptural group "First Violin", eight sculptures in bronze and granite, symbolically representing the violins. These are “Violin - Apple” (symbol of temptation by music), “Violin-Slipper” (symbol of a musical experiment), “Violin-Woman” (composer’s muse, symbol of inspiration), “Violin-Chair” (symbol of a musical pause), “Violin- Swan "(symbol of musical perfection, from a distance resembling a plesiosaur)," Violin-Gramophone "(symbol of musical classics).

The entrance to the square is guarded by two identical sculptures “The Violin-Sphinx”, and in the center of the garden there is a concert platform in the shape of a violin. Here concerts and theatrical performances are held.

Alexander Dobrovolsky's Studio of Creative Thing took part in the development of the project.

Another remarkable art object is the group of bas-reliefs “The Wall of Centuries” on the wall of the house at 26-28 on Kamennoostrovsky Avenue, created by the artist Cyril Miller. In memory of a series of centennial anniversaries of great cultural figures, there are portraits of Salvador Dali, Dmitry Shostakovich, Dmitry Likhachev and two portraits of Daniil Kharms.