
Blue bridge (Kronstadt)

Makarovskaya st.
Opened in
1794 (wooden), 1964 (modern)
Obvodny channel (Kronstadt)
Length, m
23,9 m
Width, m
10,25 m

The blue bridge is spread over the Obvodny Canal in Kronstadt. This channel was laid in 1785–1827 to protect the new Admiralty, which was decided to be transferred here by decree of Catherine II (under Paul I, this idea was abandoned).

The first Blue Bridge was built in 1791–1794, the works were carried out by merchant F. Bekrenev from Petrozavodsk. The bridge was wooden, lifting, with a chain adjustable mechanism and painted blue, hence the name.

The wooden bridge stood until 1874, after which it was rebuilt into a metal one designed by Lieutenant Colonel Petrovsky. The adjustable span with a counterweight was located at the left bank abutment.

The Blue Bridge acquired its modern appearance in 1964. Today, it is a three-span non-demolished reinforced concrete bridge on massive stone pillars, lined with granite, its length is 23.9 meters, width - 10.25 meters.

The Kronstadt is attached to the Blue Bridge, from the zero level of which the measurements of depths and heights in Russia are made. The foot stock was made in 1840 at the suggestion of the hydrograph M.F. Reineke. In 1898, on the bank of the Obvodny Canal, a self-recording automatic gauge tool of the Swedish system was installed in a wooden house. And in 1951 a stone pavilion-tower was built for him.

In front of the pavilion, on the embankment wall, there is a monument to a small fish, which, during the Leningrad blockade, saved thousands of people from starvation. The monument was created by sculptor N.V. Chepurnoy in 2004-2005.