
Saint-Petersburg Museum of Bread

Mikhailova Str., 2
Monday, Sunday
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
10:00 – 18:00
Sanitary day is the last Tuesday of the month.
Entrance fee
adults - 150 rubles, Students, students, retirees -100 rubles, Preschoolers (from three years) -50 rubles.

St. Petersburg Museum of Bread was founded in 1988. For the years of its existence it has turned into one of the most visited historical museums of the city.

The exposition presents the history of bread from the development of agricultural crops to the present day. The main emphasis in the exposition is made on the production, sale and consumption of bread in St. Petersburg-Leningrad.

The museum presents the life of a middle-class family of the late XIX - early XX century. Here you can see covered tables, kitchen, a lot of household items, and utensils of the time.

Two world wars, revolution and a civil war - all these difficult periods of our history are reflected in the history of bread. Thus, the exposition presents a piece of bread, baked according to the recipe, invented in besieged Leningrad.

In the museum you can see the equipment of the production line of a bakery in the 1950s and the reconstruction of a bakery of Soviet era. This part of the exhibition causes nostalgia for the older generation and allows young people to see a favorite bakery of their mothers and grandmothers.

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга