
Roses bar

Solyanoy per., 14
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
12:00 – 01:00
Friday, Saturday
12:00 – 02:00
Average bill
800 rubles
+7 (961) 811-68-44

Small bar; interior is done with a hint of English indie rock culture. The kitchen is presented with simple and understandable dishes, so that between drinks you do not have to think about food: khachapuri beloved by everyone, classic salads, street food. Large selection of snacks to go witg beer or cocktail. Bar list - with a long list of beer, cider, wine, as well as whiskey and other strong alcohol. All this is accompanied by live music - concerts are often held in the bar.

Popular positions:

  • Caesar with chicken fillet - 280 rubles.
  • Cheese platter - 350 rubles.
  • Turkey in honey mustard sauce - 390 rubles.
  • Three cheburek - 220 rubles.
  • Cheesecake with maple syrup and walnuts - 280 rubles.
  • Roses IPA beer (0.56 l) - 310 rubles.
  • White wine "Kuban Angels & Demons Cabernet" - 200 rubles per glass.
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