Five Corners

Crossroads at the intersection of Zagorodny Prospekt and Razyezhe Street, Rubinstein and Lomonosov Street

"Five Corners" is the unofficial name of the famous crossroads on Zagorodny Prospekt where it intersects with Razyezhaya, Rubinstein and Lomonosov streets.

The architectural dominant of the crossroads, one of the symbols of the city, is an apartment house with a turret, built in 1913 in neoclassicism style, designed by architect A.L. Lishnevsky. In the 1930s, Lydia Chukovskaya, the daughter of the writer Korney Chukovsky, lived in this house, and her husband, astrophysicist Matvey Petrovich Bronstein (arrested and executed in 1938). Anna Akhmatova often visited them.

In the house on the corner of Zagorodny Prospekt and Chernyshev Lane (now Lomonosova Street) in the XIX century Commercial School was located, the first educational institution in Russia for merchants.

It is believed that the "Five corners" have a powerful St.Petersburg energy. In one of the local houses lived a famous fortune-teller of the XIX century, predicting the death of Pushkin. Dostoevsky called this place "a nerves’ knot of St.Petersburg».

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