Индивидуальные экскурсии в Петергоф, Царское Село, Павловск, Гатчину, Выборг, Кронштадт
Посетите дворцы и парки пригородов с персональным гидом!
A Slavic-style bar serving Old Russian cuisine and numerous homemade liqueurs.
“Be healthy, traveler, who came to sit by our fire. Warm yourself up with a fragrant tincture of zaboristy ali, satisfy your hunger with the dishes of our skilled cooks, and listen to the stories of wonderful and ancient from bar magicians about the Russian land. We will tell you legends, test your ingenuity and dexterity in the dashing folk amusements, introduce you to the everyday life and customs of our glorious ancestors, challenge you to a great competition, and send you home, according to our tradition, on horseback as a crow. "
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