Basement of Stray Dog (Podval Brodyachei Sobaki)

Italiyanskaya st., 4
Cultural spaces
11:30 – 23:30
Average bill
1200 rubles

The history of the cafe starts in 1912 when the first "Basement" was opened - a literature aristocratic cabaret. It only excisted for 3 years but became a cult place of Silver age. At that time cafe was visited by many poets, writers, actors - for example, Anna Akhmatova, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Nikolai Gumilev, Aleksei Tolstoy. 

In 2001 the cafe was reopened. Nowadays exhibitions, poetic and music evenings, performances, lectures and cultural events are held there. 

On the menu you will find dishes of Russian cuisine - ukha, pike cutlets, beefstroganoff. On the bar card - beer, wine and strong liquor. 

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