
Pavlovsk Palace

Pavlovsk, Sadovaya st., 20
Art museums
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
10:00 – 18:00
Open for visits from 10:00 to 18:00.
Box office hours are from 10:00 to 17:00.
The entrance to the Pavlovsk Palace closes at 17:15.
Entrance fee
Adults, students - 500 rubles, students (7-18 years old) - 200 rubles, pensioners, labor veterans - 200 rubles.

The Pavlovsk Palace and Park Ensemble is the last summer residence of the imperial Romanov dynasty, a monument of cultural heritage included in the UNESCO list. In the center of the ensemble of Pavlovsk is the Pavlovsk Palace Museum and the surrounding area.

Pavlovsky Palace was designed by Charles Cameron in the 1780s. During the reign of Paul I, the palace was significantly expanded by the court architect Vincenzo Brenna, and in the XIX century the building underwent transformations again - Giacomo Quarenghi and Andrei Voronikhin worked on the appearance of the palace, which we are familiar with today.

The interior of the palace and rich museum collections attract tourists from all over the world. The Italian Hall has a rich collection of marble antique sculpture. In the Picture Gallery, a gorgeous collection of paintings by Italian artists will open to the eyes of visitors. In the Pilaster’s office, you should pay special attention to the unique multi-colored vases, and in the Library of Paul I - to magnificent rugs with plot images.

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