
Pavilions of the Mikhailovsky Castle

The Eastern Pavilion: Engineering st., 10, The Western Pavilion: Engineering st., 8
Art museums
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 17:00

Sessions of the Techno-game route "Romantic Our Emperor" (Western Pavilion, Multimedia Center): Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at 11.00 and 14.30, Thursday at 16.00,

closed: Monday, Tuesday.

The cost of individual sessions in the Multimedia Center: adults - 500 rubles., preschoolers, schoolchildren, students, pensioners - 350 rubles.

The pavilions were completed in 1800 and meant for dwelling of ladies in waiting and maids of honour of the imperial court. The pavilions serves as a joining link between the castle and the city building and makes a mighty impression. The lower floors are decorated with bas-reliefs on subjects of antique myths about the travels of Dionysus (Sculptor – Fyodor Gordeev).

During the reign of Alexander I the pavilions were handed over to the newly created Engineering Department. Since 2001, the pavilions of St. Michael's Castle were handed over for operational management to the Russian Museum.

Today there is the Multimedia Center in the West pavilion. The multimedia exposition  - the Techno-game route "Romantic Our Emperor»  - is held here. It is dedicated to Paul I.

There is a department of the Russian Museum "Russian Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children's Creativity" In the East Pavilion, where children's art exhibitions are regularly held.

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга