

Bolsheokhtinsky pr., 8
10:00 – 22:00


The new, modern branch of the Central City Public Library in Okhta combines an intelligence center, an extensive book fund in several languages, educational courses and coworking.

The library has about 20 thousand books, mostly in English. Here is presented scientific and popular science literature, non-fiction, fiction, children's and teenage books, comics and a selection of publications in rare languages (from Armenian and Ancient Greek to Finnish and Estonian). The library has a permanent exhibition of rare books of the XIX century. Well-preserved books in European languages demonstrate books as a source of information and as an art object, a masterpiece of book design.

The main direction of the library is the promotion and popularization of science. The lectures of scientists and scientific journalists are enhanced by high-tech capabilities such as virtual reality, 3D printers. A transformer hall with 120 seats is organized in the basement, where open lectures, film screenings, seminars and conferences are organized.

In coworking, you can use the library computers or work with your laptop at the tables, on sofas or on the soft windowsill. On the second floor there is an apparatus for charging simultaneously six mobile phones.

At the entrance to the library is a self-service station, which allows readers to return books on their own at any time of the day.