Time cafe

Oblako (Cloud)

6th Sovetskaya st., 37
Time cafes
12:00 – 06:00
Average bill
1300 rubles

Timecafe of atmospheric format with its own bar and the author's kitchen. Here you will find not only tea with cookies and hookah, but also X-box and Dandy game consoles, movie screenings on the big screen, board games and sports broadcasts.

At the bar - a large selection of drinks, strong and not so strong cocktails and shots, cold snacks and hot dishes.

A burger here costs 320-370 rubles, a steak - 800-850 rubles, pasta - 350-580 rubles, a variety of desserts - 200 rubles each.

Удивите ваших гостей авторскими программами и «погружением» в тему!
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