
The Karpovka River Embankment

Years of construction
established in 1963
Length, m

The Karpovka River Embankment is located on both banks of the river from the head to the mouth.

On the right bank from Aptekarsky to Pertopavlovsky Bridges there was a low embankment with a green slope. The following sections of the embankment - between Pertopavlovsky and Silin Bridges, between Silin and Geslerovsky Bridges – are a high wall with granite facing on the high pile grillage.

On the left bank the embankment was constructed as a high wall. The railing with unique lattice and cylindrical pedestals typical for the Karpovka River was arranged over the coping stone.

The Karpovka River reinforcement was originally wooden. The last wooden embankment between old Petropavlovsky and Silin Bridges was constructed in 1950.

The first embankments of permanent materials appeared in 1963 on the right bank from Aptekarsky to Geslerovsky Bridges.

On the left bank the embankments construction of permanent materials began in 1964-1966 at areas from Silin to Geslerovsky Bridges and from Silin to Petropavlovsky Bridges. They were a high wall.

In 1968 on the left bank an embankment section was reinforced from new Petropavlovsky Bridges to old Aptekarsky Bridge. In the same manner as an embankment on the right bank, it was a low wall with a green slope and fire pier and ladders adjacent to it.

Banks in the upper section of the Karpovka River between Barochny and Molodezhny Bridges were reinforced in 1980 by a low banked wall on the pile foundation with the green scope.

The river flows out of the Bolshaya Nevka River into the Malaya Nevka River separating Aptekarsky Island from Petrogradsky Island.

The first bridge across the Karpovka River was built in 1737 near the source along the Bolshaya Nevka River to connect Petrogradsky and Aptekarsky Islands. Then these bridges were built during the XVIII-XX centuries. Originally, all bridges were built wooden.

Historical development remained on the Karpovka River banks. Botanical Garden was located along the left bank between Petropavlovsky and Aptekarsky Bridges.