
Amber Museum of Alexander Krylov

Nevsky pr., 35, Perinnaya Line of the Big Gostiny Dvor, II floor
Art museums
10:00 – 19:00
Entrance fee
Adult: 400 rubles
Students: 300 rubles
Schoolkids and pensioners: 200 rubles
Veterans and pre-school kids: free

The Amber Museum of Alexander Krylov works on the 2nd floor of the Perinnaya line of the Big Gostiny Dvor department store. The museum has caskets and boxes, cups and vases, icons and Easter eggs, smoking pipes, table decorations, mirrors in carved amber frames. Here you can see genuine works of amber, created in the XIX century and the sculptural portraits of great people by Alexander Krylov, which have no analogues in the world.

The exposition decoration is the world's only playing amber violin and a small copy of the Amber Room of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo.

The author and creator of the museum is the famous master of amber art restorer Alexander Mikhailovich Krylov. Among his works: the re-creation of the “eighth wonder of the world” - the famous Amber Room, to which a separate exhibition is devoted to the museum.

Excursions are held daily in the museum.

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