Torture museum

Nevsky pr., 30
Unusual museums
10:00 – 22:00
Entrance fee
Adult: 450 rubles, children: 350 rubles.

The exposition of the museum is addressed to people with strong nerves, because it contains the instruments of torture and executions of the Middle Ages.

The Middle Ages today seem to be a dark era with an unsettled life, cruel and unjust laws. Medieval justice is a special topic that requires immersion in history and culture. And language brought expressions into our modern life that today have a completely different meaning and originate exactly there, in the mysterious Middle Ages.

Did you know that the expression “it is written on the forehead” goes back to the custom of stigmatizing criminals, “to learn the ins and outs” means to use nails under the nails during interrogation, and the phrase “standing rooted to the spot” in the Middle Ages meant the legal punishment of 1649: “alive dig it into the ground and keep it in the ground. "

You will learn more interesting facts and stories with guides who will open you the world of a dark and such mysterious Middle Ages ...

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