
Museum of Applied Art

Solyanoi per., 15
Art museums
Monday, Weekend
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
11:00 – 17:00
Entrance fee
adults - 300 rubles., schoolchildren, students, pensioners -150 rubles., children under 7 years old, heroes of the Soviet Union and veterans of the Great Patriotic War - for free.

The Museum of Applied Art of the Stieglitz Academy is one of the most interesting and original monuments of Russian culture. It is an integral part of the academy, which produces artists of various directions of monumental and decorative, applied art and design, its cultural, educational and exhibition center.

The museum's funds accounts in about thirty thousand items of applied art from antiquity to the present day. This is an extensive collection of Western European porcelain and eastern ceramics, furniture of the 16th-19th centuries, a collection of Russian tile stoves of the eighteenth century, art metal and fabrics, as well as the best student works for the past half century, reflecting all trends of Soviet arts and crafts.

The museum building is a unique architectural monument of the period of historicism. Architect Maximilian Mesmacher not only borrowed individual compositional techniques and decorative elements of famous buildings but also creatively reinterpreted their forms, filling them with new content and creating a generalized image of Italian Renaissance architecture.

In fourteen halls located on the first floor, you can see more than 1300 works of arts and crafts from IX in BC. before the beginning of the twentieth century.

In the Italian gallery, an exhibition of Dutch and French cabinets of the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries is held; also an Italian and Spanish majolica, French and English faience, German "stealthuta" (products made of clay stones) and "Jasper masses" by J. Wedgwood, Meissen and Berlin porcelain.

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