
Museum of Bridges

Muchnoy per., 2
Monday, Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
10:30 – 17:30
Entrance fee
Adults: 400 rubles, children: 200 rubles, photography: 200 rubles.

The Museum of Bridges is a permanent exhibition of the Central Museum of Railway Transport. The most interesting part of the collection is unique models, small copies of bridges of St. Petersburg - the main symbols of the Northern capital.

60 presented models reveal the history of the development of Russian bridge building in more than two centuries. One of the oldest is the model for the design of the bridge across the Neva of the 1770s by the Swiss engineer Aldon. Here you can also see models of wooden, stone and metal crossings built in the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries. Particularly beautiful models of suspension bridges: Panteleimonovsky, Egyptian, Lion.

You can get to the museum only as part of an excursion group, enrolling in the museum group on VKontakte or by phone: 8 (812) 570-22-51.

С вашим персональным гидом
индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга