
Museum of lighthouse service

Kronstadt, Fort «Konstantin»
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
12:00 – 20:00
Entrance fee
The cost of attendance with a guide: adults - 250 rubles, schoolchildren, students and pensioners - 150 rubles.

The only museum of lighthouses in St. Petersburg, and perhaps in all of Russia, is located in the restored barracks of 1870 at the fort "Konstantin" in Kronstadt. Visitors of the museum will be able to find out how the “sea guards” have changed over the centuries, see models of lighthouses of various designs and giant lenses, the oldest of which were produced in 1858.

Among the exhibits of the museum are devices that are used in lighthouses, buoys and navigation signs of Russia, the CIS countries and Europe. Of particular interest are the mobile lights used to illuminate the Roads of Life, the sextant and the star globe. Also, the museum guides will show the entire line of acetylene flashing devices, which were produced in the USSR and used by the whole world for more than 50 years.

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