
«The Art of Fan» Museum

Kamennoostrovsky prospect, 73-75
Art museums
Monday, Sunday
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
11:00 – 20:00
Entrance fee
adults - 500 rubles, Students, students and pensioners - 200 rubles. Children under 7 years - free. At an individual visit, you must additionally purchase an audio guide for each ticket. The cost of an audio guide is 150 rubles.

An unusual museum dedicated to the multiplicity of fans, which has been an important part of the ladies’ image for several centuries will allow visitors to plunge into the gallant epoch and even make a round-the-world trip.

The museum stores more than 250 exhibits. This is one of the largest collections, the oldest samples of which date back to the 17th century. The geography of the exhibits covers the whole world: China, Japan and Korea, France, England, Italy and Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, and even Brazil. There are Frederick the Great, the family of the barons of the Rothschilds, the Grand Duchesses of the Russian Empire and other outstanding people of different eras among the people who once owned the fans, which now form part of the collection.

The fragility and elegance of the fan are combined with the skill of its painting and decoration, so visitors will genuinely enjoy the beauty of the exhibits. In addition, you can learn a lot of interesting information from the history of this charming and mysterious thing.

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга