
Museum of Christian Culture

Lodygina per., 5
Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday
11:00 – 17:00
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
11:00 – 21:00
Entrance fee
Adult: 400 rubles, discount: 200 rubles.

The founders of the Museum of Christian Culture set themselves the task of expanding the classical perception of the exposition, which is familiar to many. The concept of the museum is to show guests unique objects of value of Christianity and to acquaint the viewer with the main stages in the development of Christianity and the church.

The museum is located away from the traditional tourist routes, but it is worth a visit. The exposition brings to your attention the monuments of world culture dating back to the first centuries of Christianity. These are crosses, icons and objects of worship, which are of artistic and historical value, but above all they are shrines.

The collection of the museum, which has more than 700 exhibits, contains rare artifacts and pilgrim relics, including the relics of saints revered all over the world: Equal to the Apostles Constantine the Great, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Spyridon of Trimyphuntsky.

The main exposition is presented in three halls: Konstantinovsky (a collection of early Christian art), the Hall of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Old Testament Hall. The museum also has rooms for Flemish and Italian religious painting.

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