
Museum of Hygiene

Italianskaya Str. 25
10:00 – 18:30
11:00 – 18:30
Entrance fee
adults - 100 rubles, Students, schoolchildren, cadets - 60 rubles, Children under 7 years old, pensioners, invalids, participants in the war - for free.

The Museum of Hygiene of the City Center of Medical Prevention is the only museum of sanitary and medical education in Russia.

The museum is located in a mansion built by the architect Savva Chevakinsky in 1755. The first owner of the mansion was a famous figure of the times of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, I.I. Shuvalov. Sometimes it seems that the light aura of his personality predetermined the fate of the mansion, which continues to serve the interests of enlightenment.

The museum acquaints with the anatomical and physiological features of a person and the basics of a healthy lifestyle; tells about the ecological situation and the prevention of infectious diseases, including HIV / AIDS, warns against bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking). While visiting the museum, you may learn more about rational nutrition and prevention of stress, also about the need for physical exercise.

After watching videos and cartoons, you will make sure that maintaining your health depends on your daily behavior.

С вашим персональным гидом
индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга