
Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic

St. Marata, 24a
Monday, Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
10:00 – 18:00
from September 1 to May 31: Tuesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00.
Closed: Wednesday. Sanitary day is the last Friday of the month.
Entrance fee
adults - 300 rubles, Students - 150 rubles, Schoolchildren and pensioners - 80 rubles. Students of evening and correspondence departments and foreign universities - 225 rubles. Preschoolers, veterans, invalids and other privileged categories of citizens are free.

The museum was opened on January 8, 1937, but the decision to create it was made much earlier. Already in the 1920s, in connection with the active exploration of the Arctic, many prominent polar explorers and scientists proposed the organization of a permanent polar museum.

Today there are about 100 thousand exhibits devoted to the polar theme in the museum’s collection including archaeological sites related to the history of development of the Northern Sea Route. The interest of visitors is attracted by the collection of household items of Pomor people of the first half of the 17th century.

The exposition of the Antarctic Division is devoted to the nature of the sixth continent, the history of its discovery, the most important expeditions to the Antarctic, the work of Soviet and Russian Antarctic expeditions.

There are instruments and expedition equipment, written, cartographic and printed sources, photo documents, a rich collection of paintings and graphics among the exhibits.

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга