
The A.S. Block Museum

St. Decabristov, 57
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
11:00 – 18:00
11:00 – 17:00
Entrance fee
adults -150 rubles, Students, pensioners - 100 rubles.

The first museum dedicated to Alexander Blok - the central figure of the Silver Age of Russian culture. The museum was opened on November 25, 1980, in a house where the poet lived for 9 years - from July 1912 until his death in 1921.

Apartment house No. 57 on the Officer Street (now the Decabristov) is located in the historical district of Kolomna and one of the corners overlooks the embankment of the Pryazhka River. It was built in 1874-1876 by the project of the architect M.F. Peterson and belonged to the merchant of the first guild Petrovsky. Blok rented apartment No. 21 on the fourth floor and later the apartment No. 23 on the second floor. Here he died on August 7, 1921.

Today, there is a literary exposition telling about the main stages of life and creative path of Blok and his entourage. For those who are interested in the history of the city, museum staff conducts walking tours "Walks in Kolomna", a bus excursion " Blok’s St. Petersburg ".

The museum hosts temporary exhibitions dedicated to the Silver Age, as well as interactive classes for children.

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