
Lyceum Garden

Pushkin, Sadovaya st., 2
07:00 – 23:00
Year of foundation
The area of the park
2,07 ha

Near the Museum-Lyceum lies the picturesque Lyceum Garden. It occupies a small area in the form of a trapezoid, on the one hand adjacent to the Church of the Sign, and on the other - to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. In the time of Pushkin, this garden was called the "fence", there were arranged walks of the students. Once, near the fence, lyceum students built a pedestal with an inscription “GENIO LOCI” embedded on it on a marble plaque - a monument to the “genius of the place,” which was subsequently lost. In 1999, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin, a stone with a similar inscription was installed near the house of the director of the Lyceum, E. A. Engelhardt.

In the center of the Lyceum Garden there is a round platform with a flower garden. Here stands, perhaps, one of the most successful monuments to A. S. Pushkin - a monument to Pushkin, a lyceum student (sculptor R. R. Bach, 1899). At least 2 times a year - October 19 (Lyceum Day) and June 6 (poet's birthday) - residents and visitors bring flowers to this monument.