Индивидуальные экскурсии в Петергоф, Царское Село, Павловск, Гатчину, Выборг, Кронштадт
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Kwakker is three rooms with a total capacity of up to 100 guests on the ground floor of the Avenue-Apart complex. The institution got its name in honor of the semi-dark Belgian beer Kvak, which is poured into a glass that resembles a kind of flask in shape. The emphasis is on beer: there are 30 varieties on tap and at least 300 types of bottled beer. If you don’t want beer, there is a small wine list with classic wines. The menu is also concise, with traditional specialties; for example, mussels in pots with different sauces, open cake flammekes on thin crust, waterza soup with fish and seafood and Belgian waffles.
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