

Peter and Paul Fortress, Gosudarev Bastion
Art museums
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
11:00 – 19:00
11:00 – 18:00
Entrance fee
Adults - 200 rubles. Students, pensioners - 120 rubles

The exposition of the Keramarch Museum presents the history of the development of decorative artistic ceramics in the architecture and interior of Petersburg in the 18th and early 20th centuries. Here you can see rare examples of decoration of the facades of the famous buildings of St. Petersburg, icons on a ceramic basis in multicolor icon cases, majolica panels, tile stoves and fireplaces.

The museum has more than two hundred exhibits, including: tiles of the domes of the Cathedral Mosque, fragments of the capitals of the facade of the building of the Petrograd Provincial Credit Society (now Dom Kino), samples of the roof tiles of the museum of A.V. Suvorov, exquisite Dutch tiles from the Menshikov Palace. The largest exhibit is a seven-meter panel with a grotesque composition from the front of the house on Truda Square.

Among the authors of the exhibits are such famous architects as A.P. Bryullov, F.I. Lidval, A.I. Stackenschneider, W. Ulberg, as well as the famous ceramist P.K. Vaulin.

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга