
History of money

Zaychy island, Anninsky Cavalier, Peter and Paul Fortress, 3, letter «SH»
10:00 – 20:00
from May 1 to September 30 - without days off.
Entrance fee
adults - 200 rubles. (with an excursion - 250 rubles.), students, students and pensioners - 100 rubles. (with a tour - 150 rubles.)

The Peter and Paul Fortress in the history of Russian money circulation occupies an important place: in 1724, by the order of Emperor Peter I coin production was arranged in the Trubetskoi bastion. Thus began the history of the St. Petersburg mint, now - the branch of Goznak. The modern building on the Cathedral Square was built specifically for coin production in the beginning of the XIX century.

The history of Russian money is inseparably linked with the history of Russia. And the exposition, which was opened in the summer of 2016, allows not only to find out what Russian money looked like in this or that period, not only to see unique coins and banknotes, but also to make a journey through time, discovering different historical eras in a new light.

The exposition "The History of Money" was created on the initiative and efforts of Goznak, a company that has been developing and manufacturing Russian banknotes and other highly protected products since 1818.

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