
Ionoff bar

Vladimirsky pr., 8
24 hours
Average bill
600 rubles

A 24-hour lounge bar with parties, recently opened by Alexander Ionoff, the creator of the legendary IONOTECA club and the inspiration of the cult parties of the St. Petersburg underground.

Here you will find DJ sets from vinyl records and concerts of young groups, interesting musical selections and film screenings, 100% tube sound and the unique atmosphere of mystical Petersburg merging with the best traditions of musical counterculture from all over the world.

In the bar card you can get craft cocktails from 250 to 450 rubles, wine from 150 to 250 rubles, strong drinks, beer, hookah, tea with buns and cookies.

Индивидуальные экскурсии в Петергоф, Царское Село, Павловск, Гатчину, Выборг, Кронштадт
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