Interior Theater

Nevsky pr., 104
Cultural spaces
Entrance fee
500-700 rubles

The interior theater was created on July 8, 1988. According to the creators, the architectural space of St. Petersburg was considered as an artistic space for interior performances.

Today it is a chamber stage where performances are held with the participation of actors - laureates of various Russian and international theater festivals, literary evenings, creative meetings, film screenings and other interesting events.

Every year the theater celebrates the birthdays of Derzhavin, Pushkin, Mandelstam, and there are evenings in memory of the outstanding politician Galina Starovoitova.

The interior theater is a co-founder of the Pushkinskaya 10 art center, the Three Century of Russian Romance musical festival, and the Terra Incognita theater festival dedicated to unknown phenomena in theater art.

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