Gypsies & Jews

Lomonosova st., 14
16:00 – 04:00
Average bill
400 rubles

Gypsies & Jews is a democratic bar with Moldovan and Jewish cuisine, a project of three St. Petersburg bartenders Boris Kisilyuk, Ivan Tkachenko and Alexander Boltyan.

Special feature of the bar card is draft cocktails and branded liqueurs. More than a dozen varieties of bottled beer and a non-trivial selection of strong alcohol were included in the list. Croutons are offered as appetizers - toasted pieces of bread with various spreads, for example, with Moldovan-style white bean hummus, with herring forshmak or with pate. You can order branded "Golden Crouton" with sturgeon black caviar and gold leaf. For a more serious snack there are sandwiches.

Popular positions:

  • Moldavian hummus - 80 rubles.
  • Club sandwiches - 200 rubles.
  • "Golden Crouton" - 900 rubles.
  • Cocktails - 200 rubles.
  • Branded tinctures - 100 rubles.
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