
The State Hermitage Museum

Palace Square, 2 / Dvortsovaya Embankment, 38
Art museums
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
11:00 – 20:00
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
11:00 – 18:00
Closed: January 1, May 9.
Entrance fee
adults - 400 rubles, foreign tourists - 700 rubles. Children of preschool and school age, students and pensioners - for free. The first Thursday of each month and December 7 are the days of free visit for all.

The State Hermitage Museum began its history as a "place of solitude" for a private collection of paintings by Empress Catherine II. Over time, the collection began to replenish with a variety of masterpieces and rare works of art. However, only in 1852 it became available for open visits at the highest order of Nicholas I.

The State Hermitage occupies six buildings, and its exhibits are estimated in millions. The main interest for tourists is represented by the main exposition, which is located in the Winter Palace, as well as the halls of the General Staff with paintings of the Impressionists, exhibitions of contemporary art are also held here.

The Hermitage presents paintings, sculptures, applied art, numismatics, archaeological finds, jewelry, weapons, utensils and even furniture. Here you can get acquainted with European art, monuments of the history and culture of antiquity, with the art of the east, and masterpieces of Russian masters.

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга