French Institute in St. Petersburg

Nevsky pr., 12
Cultural spaces

The French Institute at the French Embassy in St. Petersburg is a modern culture, language courses and exams, as well as a media library and a cafe for everyone.

The Institute organizes cultural events: art exhibitions, tours of French music, theater and choreographic groups, film festivals, meetings by both French and Russian intellectuals, as well as conferences and debates on relevant topics affecting the problems of modern society.

The Institute has French courses in small groups of all levels for adults and children. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers, including native French speakers. In addition, the Institute conducts examination sessions for diplomas DELF and DALF, which are the official certificate of knowledge of the French language, recognized in French-speaking countries.

The Institute’s media library offers the general public a rich collection of fiction, scientific publications (humanities), audio and video materials, modern French periodicals, modern and classical music, and audio books.

Until April 17, the French Institute is quarantined; language courses work remotely.

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