
Finland railway bridge

Opened in
Length, m
V.P. Apyshkov
G.G. Krivoshein, N.A. Belelyubsky, I.G. Alexandrov

The Finland railway bridge was built in 1910-1913 according to the project of engineers G.G. Krivoshein and N.A. Belelyubsky and I.G. Alexandrov with the participation of the architect V.P. Apyshkov (author of the Bolsheokhtinsky bridge).

The need to build a bridge that would connect the Finnish railway with other railways in the country arose already at the end of the 19th century - at that time the connection between these railways was carried out through the Liteiny Bridge.

In 1906, the route of the future bridge was determined. Initially, the option of a combined bridge was considered, with the possibility of carriage and pedestrian traffic. However, the city government refused to allocate additional funds for this, as a result, the constructed crossing is intended only for the movement of trains.

In May 1910, the Engineering Council of the Ministry of Railways approved the project, which was close to the Bolsheokhtinsky bridge in terms of its design and composition. Construction was carried out from 1910 to 1912, mainly at the expense of the Grand Duchy of Finland.

On the left bank for the approach to the bridge from the station Glukhoozerskaya according to the project of the Danish firm "Christiani and Nielsen" under the direction of engineer G.P. In Perederiya, a reinforced concrete multi-span overpass with a length of over 610 m was built. It was one of the largest reinforced concrete structures built in Russia before 1917. A metal overpass was built on the right bank.

Traffic on the bridge was opened on October 14, 1913. It was a five-span single-track bridge with a central double-wing drawbridge and side metal spans.

The Finlyandsky railway bridge was overhauled in 1983-1987, and then in 2002-2003 in connection with the construction of the Ladozhsky railway station. Today the length of the crossing is 1160 meters. The bridge consists of four arched metal superstructures 100 meters long each, a metal single-wing drawbridge 45.2 meters long, an overpass and overpasses.

A memorial plaque with the name of the bridge is installed on the left-bank support from the side of Obukhovskoy Oborony Avenue.

There are two interesting incidents connected with the Finlyandsky Bridge. On August 21, 1963, a Tu-124 passenger plane splashed downstream of the bridge. And in 1983 a refrigerator "Komsomolets Tatarii" with 500 tons of vendace on board crashed into the bridge. Having received a hole and walking a few more hundred meters, he sank under the water halfway to the Alexander Nevsky Bridge.