
The Yusupov Palace

Moika River Embankment, 94
10:00 – 19:30
Years of foundation
1770, reconstructed for several times in XIX century
Jean-Baptiste Vallin de la Mothe, Andrey Mikhailov, Bernard de Simon, Ippolit Monighetti
Ticket price
self-guided tour with an audio guide – 700 rubles, children up to 18 years and students – 500 rubles, preferential categories of citizens – free. Guided tour – 450 rubles, pensioners – 300 rubles.

The Yusupov Palace is a famous XVIII-XX century architectural ensemble located on the Moika river enbankment. The palace is widely known for its history and unique interiors decorated by Italian painters A. Vegi and B. Medici.

The first owner of the palace was Count Shuvalov. The palace was handed over to the Yusupov Family in 1830 and remained in their possession until the revolution of 1917. The palace has been repeatedly reconstructed and expanded when it was owned by the Yusupov family. A garden was planted next to it. New buildings, greenhouses and a garden pavilion appeared. At the end of the XIX century, the residence of the Yusupov family was equipped with electricity, water heating, running water and sewerage.

The Palace went down in Russian history as the place where Grigory Rasputin assassinated in the December 1916. He was murdered in the living quarters of the young Prince Felix Yusupov. Today a thematic exposition is located in this part of the palace.

After the revolution and the Civil war the Palace houses the Palace of Culture for Educators  in the building of the Yusupov palace, which exists to present day. Today the Palace is a historical and cultural center offering museum exhibitions, regularly hosting concerts, theatre performances and various cultural and educational activities.

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