Palace pier (Descent with lions)

Admiralty emb., 2
Big Neva
Years of construction
K.I. Rossi

The palace pier on the Admiralteyskaya embankment (also called the Descent with Lions) was built by the architect Karl in 1820-1824. And it was not where we are used to seeing it, but upstream of the Bolshaya Neva - now the entrance to the Palace Bridge is located here.

At the same time, the Petrovsky Spusk was built near the western pavilion of the Main Admiralty.

Copper sculptures of lions on granite pedestals were installed in September 1832; these are the most famous lions of St. Petersburg and exact copies of Florentine lions. Plaster casts from the originals became models for their casting. The lions are made of sheet copper; the figures were made at the Alexandrovsky iron foundry in St. Petersburg. They were made by master I. Prang after the model of sculptor I.P. Prokofiev. Cast iron pedestals for lions were cast at the same factory according to a drawing by architect L. Charlemagne.

At the same time, on the lower slope to the Bolshaya Neva, two porphyry vases were installed, sent as a gift to Nicholas I by the Swedish king. Cast-iron pedestals for vases were also cast at the Alexandrovsky iron foundry according to Charlemagne's drawing.

The pier was in this form until the third quarter of the 19th century, and in 1873-1874 the vases were moved to Petrovsky Spusk. In 1875, a wide boulevard-esplanade with lawns and flower beds was built on the Admiralteyskaya embankment.

In 1914, the construction of the Palace Bridge began, and the Palace Marina was moved downstream, to the Admiralty building. The transfer of the pier was carried out by engineer A.P. Pshenitsky is the author of the project of the Palace Bridge.

Later, the name "Palace Pier" was transferred to the pier located above the bridge, opposite the main entrance to the Hermitage.

Today from the pier on the Admiralteyskaya embankment, numerous pleasure boats leave along the Neva, rivers and canals. From here you can go on "Meteora" to Peterhof and Kronstadt.

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