Boris Eifman Children's Dance Theater

Vvedenskaya st., 3
Касса работает c 10.00 до 19.00

Boris Eifman Children's Dance Theater is a new city center for ballet art. It was conceived by the choreographer as a center for aesthetic and professional education of students of the Boris Eifman Dance Academy and thousands of young Petersburgers.

On this stage, ballet performances and concert programs for young spectators are performed by students of the Academy of Dance with the participation of leading soloists of the St. Petersburg Academic Ballet Theater Boris Eifman. It will also host festivals and competitions with the participation of children's creative teams from Russia and foreign countries, both professional and amateur.

The grand opening of the theater took place on November 16, 2019, the construction lasted 3 years and included the reconstruction of the nearby school. In the new educational building, pupils of the nearby Dance Academy are mastering general disciplines. A theater complex is attached to the school. It consists of a stage and an auditorium, a rehearsal room, make-up rooms, workshops, technical and utility rooms.

The new five-storey theater received an auditorium for 500 seats. The central multi-level space of the theater serves as a recreation for students in the daytime, and in the evening it is a foyer for spectators. The theater is connected to the Academy of Dance by an underground passage.

Later, near the new stage, on Bolshaya Pushkarskaya, 9, it is planned to create a boarding school for pupils of Eifman's choreographic school.

Рускеала, Валаам, Кижи, Петрозаводск, Сортавала, Великий Новгород, Псков, Пушкинские Горы
Туры и круизы для всей семьи по Карелии и Северо-Западу