
The Central Museum of Railway Transport of Russia

Sadovaya Str. 50
10:30 – 17:30
Sanitary day is the last Thursday of the month.
Entrance fee
adults - on weekdays 300 rubles, Weekends 400 rubles: students, schoolchildren, pensioners, invalids - on weekdays 150 rubles, Weekends 200 rubles; children under 7 years - on weekdays 50 rubles, Weekends 100 rubles.

It is one of the oldest scientific and technical museums in the world. In the Manifesto of Emperor Alexander I of 1809 on the organization of the Institute of the Corps of Engineers of Railways in St. Petersburg (in the Yusupov Palace on the Fontanka River) it is written: «... in the special room there will be models of all important structures in Russia and other lands existing or only intended, as well as machines used in hydraulic operations …» .

In 1813, the "special room" received the first models. The museum was organized for educational purposes and had six cabinets: model and mechanical, construction tools, physical, geodetic, mineralogical, samples of building materials.

Today, the exposition of the museum is located in a building built specifically for the museum in 1902, designed by Peter Kupinsky. The exhibits are organized according to the topics in chronological order. The visitor can learn more about the development of rail transport from the birth of railways to the present day.

On weekends and holidays for single visitors of the museum, sightseeing tours are conducted, when a group of 15 people is recruited.

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индивидуальных экскурсий в музеи Петербурга