
The Central Museum of Communications named after A.S. Popova

Pochtamtskaya lane, 4
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Weekend
10:30 – 18:00
Sanitary day: last Thursday of the month.
Entrance fee
adults - 200 rubles, schoolchildren, students, pensioners - 100 rubles, Preschoolers - for free. Tickets for exhibitions: adults - 100 rubles, Schoolchildren, students, pensioners - 500 rubles, Preschoolers - for free.

Central Museum of Communications named after A.S. Popova was founded in 1872. The museum exhibits were introduced at the Polytechnic Exhibition, which took place in 1872 on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. After the exhibition was closed at the end of 1872, the Telegraph Museum was established in St. Petersburg.

Today there are exhibits of the history of postal, telegraph and telephone communications, radio communication and broadcasting, television, mobile, space and satellite communications in the museum's collection. The collection of museum funds includes the State Collection of postal payment signs of Russia invaluable for all philatelists of the world. Among the exhibits you can see old roadside letters, tsarist decrees, the first radio receiver of A.S. Popov, the first civil communication satellite "Luch-15".

The building, in which the museum is housed, was built according to the project of Giacomo Quarenghi for the prominent state and political figure of the 18th century, Alexander Andreevich Bezborodko. In 1782, A.A. Bezborodko headed the postal department, and in 1797 became chancellor of the Russian Empire.

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