Center for Contemporary Literature and Books

Nakarova emb., 10
Cultural spaces

The Center for Contemporary Literature and Books is a meeting place for writers and readers.

CCLB was created in 1997 with the participation of such famous St. Petersburg writers as Boris Strugatsky, Alexander Zhitinsky, Ilya Shtemler and others. The Center considers its goal to support the modern literary process as part of the national culture.

In the cozy Coffee Hall of the Center, creative workshops, literary seminars and evenings are held. Poets perform in the White Hall, concerts of an author’s song, meetings with readers and anniversary celebrations of writers take place. There is a permanent exhibition of books by St. Petersburg writers and book novelties from St. Petersburg publishers. The Union of Writers of St. Petersburg, the Union of Writers of Russia, the PEN Center, and thick literary magazines constantly cooperate with the Center.

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