Library of V.V. Mayakovsky (Center of art and music)

Nevsky pr., 20
Cultural spaces
12:00 – 20:00

Library, information and technology center of art and music in the name of V.V. Mayakovskogo. Library of a new format. Its activities are aimed at informing visitors about trends in contemporary art and helping them in educational processes related to it. 

Here you will find:

- Fund of literature on art in Russian and foreign languages;

- A unique publicly available Music Fund;

- Periodical fund;

- Mulrimedia center and video hall;

- Information bibliographic department;

- Project and exhibition departure;

- The Dutch Information Center "Friends of St. Petersburg".

In the center exhibitions of both beginners and well-known masters of painting, photography, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts, as well as concerts, audio-performances, actions and seminars that allow to get to know the domestic and foreign music culture are held regularly.In the video hall there are daily film screenings of artistic, documentary, scientific-publicistic, musical films, opera films, ballet films, videotapes from concerts of contemporary and classical music. 

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