V.V. Mayakovsky library

Fontanka emb., 46
Cultural spaces
12:00 – 20:00

Central City Public Library in the name of Mayakovsky occupies several buildings in St. Petersburg, but the main historical buildings are 44 and 46 along the Fontanka Embankment.

The history of the development of this area dates back to the first half of the 18th century, when the border of St. Petersburg passed along the Fontanka River, and the country estates of notable citizens were located on the left bank. On the site of the future house 44 was the estate of the rear admiral, commander of the port of Kronstadt, Lord Duffus. In 1733, the site passed into the possession of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Monastery, the monastery compound was moved here.

The building acquired its present architectural appearance on Fontanka, 44 in 1856-1857 - its facade was rebuilt in the neo-Russian style according to the design of the architect A. M. Gornostayev.

The library moved to the building on Fontanka, 44 in 1945. In 1953, by the 60th anniversary of the birth of V.V. Mayakovsky, the library was given the name of a poet.

The neighboring house on Fontanka, 46 is known as the Mansion of Countess Karlova - after the name of its last owner. In times of Peter the Great, the suburban residence of state security officer Anton Cormedon, who headed the Office of the buildings, was located at this place. Then the estate became the property of F.Ya. Dubyansky - confessor of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

The neo-baroque building known to us was erected in 1843 for the adjutant general N. V. Zinoviev by the project of architect V.Ya. Langwagen. Then it was rebuilt several times. The last changes were undertaken in 1895 when Duke G. G. Mecklenburg-Strelitzky and his wife, Countess N. F. Karlova, acquired the mansion. The inscription on the front of the mansion: Fuimus et sumus (“We were, and we are”) is the family motto of the Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

In 1992, in the mansion of the Countess Karlova, the foreign department of the library named after V.V. Mayakovsky is situated. Since October 1994, Memorial Library of prince Golitsyn has been located in one of the rooms of the building. Prince George Vladimirovich Golitsyn belonged to two Russian noble families: Golitsyn and Mecklenburg-Strelitz. In the 20th century, he made a huge contribution to the development of cultural ties between the West and Russia.

In the courtyard of the house 46 on the Fontanka embankment is located the Bookyard on the Fontanka at the Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky - a venue for citywide library holidays, such as Dostoevsky Day and Mayakovsky-FEST.

The format of the holidays includes activities for different groups of visitors: lectures, concerts, master classes, game programs, quizzes, etc. All events are educational in nature, aimed at promoting the book and new reading formats.

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