
Bar Nove

Moika river embankment, 99
15:00 – 23:00
Live music starts from 21.00
Average bill
1300 rubles

Stylish bar in two steps from Isaac's Cathedral offers a rich selection of wines, generous antipasti and the espresso perfetto. The best place for cocktail before Mariinsky Theatre and open-heart meetings: at the glance sofas, in the sparks of crystal, under the auspices of mustache Martha and Dostoevsky dozing behind the bar. There is a secret room – for closer meetings, with classical Petersburg river view.

From Wednesday the bar becomes a music lounge where you can enjoy classics, jazz or soul. On Fridays here is the cocktail day with special offer of double drink.

Petersburg’s guests fall in love with Russian language during master classes on original Russian drinks. From the shot to the samovar – here you can find out the right taste of national drinks and learn how to prepare them by your own. Heart of the bar is a unique Cocktail Book which recipes collected by Nove’s barmen around the world and invented by themselves. There are many secrets Nove holds, they await you…

Индивидуальные экскурсии в Петергоф, Царское Село, Павловск, Гатчину, Выборг, Кронштадт
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