
Arts Square Gallery

Italianskaya st., 5
12:00 – 22:00

Arts Square Gallery opened in the fall of 2017. This is a multifunctional platform for exhibitions and auctions, as well as a creative laboratory with master classes, lectures, concerts and premiere film screenings. The gallery brings together under its roof a variety of trends and types of art - from crafts to antiques, from interior to jewelry works, from works by contemporary artists to recognized masterpieces of old masters.

In the spacious two-story space Arts Square Gallery you will find not only temporary projects. Here you can see a permanent exhibition of paintings from the personal collection of the collector and patron of the arts Mikhail Sasonko. Among the authors are many classics of Soviet art: Evsey Moiseenko, Joseph Brodsky, Georgy Nyssky, Peter Petrovich, Boris Uspensky. Also in the gallery you will see the jewelry plastic of Mikhail Shemyakin from his joint collection with the jewelry house SASONKO and products of the Vladimir Mikhailov jewelry brand.

The permanent exhibition of the gallery includes a unique art object - Anna Pavlova's Mirror Room. In this house, the famous ballerina lived in the years 1909-1910. In the interiors of the room, among the old mirrors, you can try on real pointe shoes, a shopenka and the famous swan headdress, make unique photos.

On the second floor of the gallery is the Arts Square Bar, where you can drink a glass of wine or a cup of coffee.

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