

Kamennoostrovski pr., 11/2 А
12:00 – 20:00

In October 2021, a large exhibition space will open on the Petrogradskaya Side, where rare works of the most important contemporary artists will be exhibited. Previously, they could only be seen in workshops, in collectors' houses and at major biennials of contemporary art.

Nearby, on Divenskaya Street, there is an art hotel of the same name with a collection of paintings of modern art, paintings are exhibited in the lobby of the hotel and in every room. According to the creators of the gallery, the hotel has become so popular that it was decided to expand the number of rooms and open a large exhibition hall next to it, with free entrance for all residents of the city. The gallery opens with the support of KGIOP - it is planned to hold discussion clubs in ArtBox, including on topics of modern urban planning, protection of architectural monuments.

One of the areas of exhibition research and public currents of the new exhibition space will be the digital transformation of art and the place of the analog sovrisk in reality.

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